the headline is refereeing to a poll conducted by Mason-Dixon and commissioned
by the Review-Journal that shows Joe Heck leading Rep. Dina Titus by five points in the slanted poll. The poll numbers were:
Joe Heck 49 percent, Dina Titus 44 percent and 7 percent undecided, the Independent candidate that will be on the November
ballot was not include in the poll and only 300 voters in the 3rd district were polled.
The article points out that back in December another Mason-Dixon poll had Titus and Heck tied at 40
percent each, the Review-Journal also points out that $1.3 million had been spent so far by outside interests who oppose Health
Care Reforms and democrats.
Without opening his mouth Heck is now leading in this poll by 5 percentage points.
The Review-Journal shows that Joe Heck had raised $160,000 in the first quarter of 2010, and that Titus
has not yet reported her first quarter fundraising numbers for this year, but last year Titus had raised $1 million for her
re-election campaign and she still has about $750,000 left according to the article.
Last month Heck received a $5,000 donation from the House Conservatives Fund in exchange for his pledge
to support privatizing Social Security and Medicare. Privatizing both of these programs would be a boon for financial institutions
and a bust for citizens currently on either program.
Rep. Dina Titus has done a great job representing Nevada’s 3rd congressional District.
In fact she is doing the job that her constituents sent her to do. Dina Titus is our voice that speaks to Washington, she’s
not Washington voice that speaks to us.
Here is what all Americans will see within the first year from the enactment of the “Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act”
Insurance companies will be barred from dropping people from coverage when they get sick. Lifetime
coverage limits will be eliminated and annual limits are to be restricted.
Insurers will be barred from excluding children for coverage because of pre-existing conditions.
Young adults will be able to stay on their parents' health plans until the age of 26. Many health plans
currently drop dependents from coverage when they turn 19 or finish college.
Uninsured adults with a pre-existing conditions will be able to obtain health coverage through a new
program that will expire once new insurance exchanges begin operating in 2014.
A temporary reinsurance program is created to help companies maintain health coverage for early retirees
between the ages of 55 and 64. This also expires in 2014.
Medicare drug beneficiaries who fall into the "doughnut hole" coverage gap will get a $250 rebate.
The bill eventually closes that gap which currently begins after $2,700 is spent on drugs. Coverage starts again after $6,154
is spent.
A tax credit becomes available for some small businesses to help provide coverage for workers.
A 10 percent tax on indoor tanning services that use ultraviolet lamps goes into effect on July 1.
And State Senator Joe Heck (R-NV) wants to take that all away. In fact all of the Republicans in Nevada
including Governor Gibbons (R-NV) and his rival Brian Sandoval (R-NV) want to repeal the “Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act”.
The medical industry had spent close to $1 billion to fight reforms using attack ads, lobbyists, campaign
donations, as well as funding protest rallies in Washington DC and all across our country at Tea Parties. The medical industry
created lies such as death panels and the government is taking over health care. And despite all that was against her, Dina
Titus who has lots of moxie did what was right by voting in favor of Health Care reforms for her District, her State of Nevada
and our Nation.
State Senator Joe Heck not only wants to repeal all of the above mentioned reforms, he wants to privatize
Medicare and Social Security which would be devastating to ALL senior citizens in the United States.
A few months ago Anthem insurance company which is owned by WellPoint,