Tea Party redesign’s American flag By: David Phillips Las Vegas Democrat Examiner
You may or may not have notice it, but at the Tea
Party rallies all across the country a New redesigned American flag ( seen here) has shown up. Seems the current American flag the one with 50 Stars representing
our 50 States is no longer good enough for this group.
Millions have fought in Wars to protect our flag and the Republic for which it stands, we are currently
fighting in two wars for the same reason, to protect our flag and our Republic.
Who do these people think they are to dishonor millions who swore an oath to protect our flag?
They call their flag; “New Flag of the Second American Revolution”.
The website ResistNet.com started the push to have this new flag (seen here) shown in every state and their website says that a portion of the proceeds
go to fund candidates who represent the Tea Party, which is great, but what was wrong with selling the Flag of the United
States of America instead? You saw at their rallies last year that they hate the US Government, do they also hate the US flag
as well?
The Mission statement gives their reasoning for the redesign American flag:
“Get the flag spreading across the country so no politician can travel the US without seeing
the flag and being reminded they work for us.”
“Get the flag selling virally, so we can set-up a trust and use 95% of profits to support patriot
“To achieve these missions, we hope you will tell your family and friends about our flag, as
we continue to promote the flag nationally.”
Why couldn’t they sell the real American flag and use the proceeds to fund candidates? And why
didn’t they design something that would tell the politicians that they “work for us” that did not dishonor
millions who fought to protect our flag?
The Tea Party flag was even front and center at Senator elect Scott Brown’s (R-MA) victory speech
the other night ( seen here).
Maybe its just me, but when I think of patriots and flags, there is only one flag that comes to mind
here in America, and that the flag of the United States of America.

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