, what you do show is your disloyalty to our nation by putting your Party
According to Coburn the “financial futures” of Americans will be in jeopardy if another
$9 billion is spent on an extension, and the money will only affect an insignificant and “relatively small amount of
people” or in GOP political speak, a small block of voters who will most likely not vote.
Senator Tom Coburn’s actions will cause at least 200,000 Americans to have their benefits “interrupted”
this week. Coburn’s fellow republicans have also said they support his action. Surprise, surprise.
Why else would republicans, even those here in Nevada, such as Senator John “ man have I got
ethics problems” Ensign (R-NV) and Rep. Dean Heller (R-NV) vote “No” on every Bill that helps to create
jobs both for Nevada and our nation along with Bills to help the Unemployed and help with COBRA subsidies.
Even the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, aka the Obama Stimulus Bill, which helped save our
country from financial ruin and prevented another Great Depression, each and every republican voted NO. Then back in their
home States at least 114 Republicans praised the Obama Stimulus Bill for creating jobs and paying for worthy projects in their
districts. But the republican leadership claims that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act did not create any jobs,