a response to those making the death threats:
"Muslim extremist, meet Tea Party extremist. Tea Party extremist, meet Muslim extremist."
“To all of you who have written emails and comments, I really wish I could respond to every one
of you. I truly appreciate your taking the time to write, even if we may be on different sides of the political fence. If
there is one thing that my politically mixed San Francisco/Idaho background has taught me, it is benefit of continuing a discussion
even if you don’t agree. Too often these days, the Left and the Right immediately shut down if you are deemed to be
from the opposing camp. Here’s to good discussion even if we don’t agree.”
“Now please don’t kill me.”
Mark Fiore also tweeted the following:
"Ah, nothing like death threats from the Tea Party crew to get your morning started," Death panels,
The Tea Party tea baggers who show up at rallies calling President Obama a Nazi, a Marxists, a Socialist,
a Communist and any other “ist” they can think of, now proudly emulate their Muslim terrorist counterparts.
These are the same people that Sarah Palin and Sean Hannity like to call “real Americans”.
Tea Party tea baggers who say they respect the constitution and the 1st amendment which
covers freedom of speech obviously have no respect for the constitution or freedom of speech. But they do believe in making
“death threats” just like their Muslim terrorist brothers in Arms.
Here is the video “Learn to Speak Tea Bag” by Marl Fiore: