The Top 20 Truths of Ronald Reagan
1) Treason: As a private citizen, and BEFORE the election, in contravention of both law and tradition,
Reagan's minions and handlers illegally negotiated with the Iranians to induce them hold the American Embassy hostages until
after the elections,to embarrass President Carer and to prevent his successful negotiation of an "October Surprise." Sent
future VP George Bush, Sr., and future CIA chief William Casey to Paris to negotiate the deal.
2) Sent arms, including chemical weapons, to both Iraq and Iran during the decade-long Iran-Iraq war,
making those two countries the two biggest US arms trading partners at precisely the time when it was illegal to trade with
either due to both US and UN laws.
3) Iran/Contra: Used drug traffickers to transport illegal arms to Nicaragua, ignoring the contraband
which was brought back on the return trip, creating a massive and immediate increase in cocaine trade in urban California.
Illegally used the CIA to mine harbors and ferry Contra troops in Nicaragua. Eventually, several administration staffers were
convicted of crimes ranging from lying to Congress to conspiracy to defraud the U.S. The scandal involved the administration
selling arms to Iran and using proceeds from the sales to fund a guerrilla insurgent group in Nicaragua
4) Created alQaeda in Afghanistan to oppose the Soviet puppet/occupation there
5) Sponsored right-wing, State terrorism in El Salvador, Honduras, Haiti, and Guatemala against
indigenous insurgents who were fighting the dictatorial, hereditary regimes there. Illegally invaded and occupied Grenada,
overthrowing the democratically elected President
6) Lied about ALL of this activity before Congress, and suborned his Secretary of Defense to perjury,
as well.
7) Rescinded Carter policy that all US international financial support be based upon valid human rights
8) Took the world to the brink of nuclear war, putting nuclear weapons into Europe, violating the very
provision that was the settlement to the Cuban missile crisis.
9) Instituted the so-called "Mexico City" doctrine, effectively barring recipients of U.S. foreign aid
from promoting abortion as a method of family planning.
10) Instigated trickle-down/voodoo economics, which was the beginning of what has recently culminated
in the crash of the bubbles. Here is a subset of his regime's economic sins:
a) Within the first year of the policy, we were in a depression caused in large
measure by the policy. The "historic" 27% tax-cut was skewed two to one in favor of those making over $200,000 per year, in
percentages, and far more in real dollars. By the end of the second year, increases in state and local taxes more than replaced
the cuts for the middle class.
b) Wages throughout Reagan/Bush remained stagnant in real dollars for the next
12 years, the longest and worst growth performance in middle class wages in US history. Average national growth was the lowest
since the early 30s.
c) Conspired with corpoRat and congressional allies to sustain spending by loosening
credit, to replace the wages they were not going to increase.
d) Named Ayn Rand acolyte and free-market apostle Alan Greenspan as Chief of
the Federal Reserve.
11) The HUD/DoI Scandals: Samuel Pierce and his associates were found to have rewarded wealthy
contributors to the administration's campaign with funding for low income housing development without the customary
background checks, and lobbyists, such as former Secretary of the Interior James G. Watt, were rewarded with huge lobbying
fees for assisting campaign contributors with receiving government loans and guarantees. Sixteen convictions were
eventually handed down, including several members of the Reagan administration.
12) Appointed some of the "worst" Federalist Society/strict constructionists to the federal bench, including
Scalia, Kennedy, and O'Connor, ALL of whose votes were crucial in (illegally) installing GW Bush in the presidency in 2000,
and named Rehnquist Chief Justice.
13) Ordered the revocation of the FCC regulation called "the Fairness Doctrine," and opened up the Press
to the rash of consolidations which has led, now, to a compromised, toothless, stenographic, lap-dog "Fourth Estate."
14) Initiated the attack on labor unions by attacking PATCO, the Air Traffic Controllers union, creating
a crisis in airport control towers nation-wide, and importantly, started the slow erosion of US worker wages and benefits.
15) Through the appointment of James Watt, who claimed that the environment was "expendable" since the
"second coming of Christ was at hand,", Reagan reduced clean water and air standards, reduced labor, mine, and industrial
safety standards,and cut funding to supervisory and regulatory agencies charged with monitoring those industries.
16) Increased the defense budget to 240% previous levels.
17) Systematically ignored the beginning of the AIDS/HIV epidemic, blaming the victims publically.
18)The S&L collapse: Reagan's "elimination of loopholes" in the tax code included the elimination
of the "passive loss" provisions that subsidized rental housing. Because this was removed retroactively, it bankrupted
many real estate developments made with this tax break as a premise. This with some other "deregulation" policies
ultimately led to the largest political and financial scandal in U.S. history: The Savings and Loan crisis. The
ultimate cost of the crisis is estimated to have totaled around USD$150 billion, about $125 billion of which was consequently
and directly subsidized by the U.S. government, which contributed to the large budget deficits of the early
19) Called ketchup a vegetable for the purposes of school-lunch funding and reduced early education
and head-start funding.
20) Symbolically ripped the solar panels, installed by Pres. Carter, from the WhiteHouse,and blamed
trees for causing air pollution.