Glenn Beck: The body on the side of the road
David Phillips
Las Vegas Democrat
Glenn Beck really insane, or does he just act like it to get ratings. Beck who has mentioned several times that he is a recovering
alcoholic and that he loved Jack
Daniels, is seeing
Communists, Marxists, Socialists and Fascists under ever White House desk.
hallucinations run from one end of political ideology to the other when speaking of the President Obama and those that work
for him or advise him. He will actually use all of those words when describing a democrat.
Beck recently said President Obama has "a
deep-seated hatred for white people" followed by
guy is, I believe, a racist."
those statement by Glenn Beck on the Fox News spew show, Fox and Friends, a web site was created called the which asked
people to call those who advertise on the Beck show that they are going to boycott their products as long as they continue
to advertise on his show. At last count 57 advertisers have pulled their ads. So Fox told Beck to take a week off and go on
vacation, presumably to let things cool down while they decide if its worth keeping Beck and his circus geek of politics show.
it appears decided to keep him and few days after his return
Beck had a psychiatrist on his show to explain
to him why people think he’s mentally deranged. The psychiatrist pointed to a list of comments that have been made about
Beck which Beck had written on a chalk board. Then the psychiatrist said the first step was recognizing what was being said
about you and being able to admit that you’re human with faults and some other psycho talk and said it will be easier for you now that you have “taken the first step“. Then Beck went on pointing
to the chalk board reading some of the things said of him and talked about how he was an alcoholic, a recovering alcoholic.
Beck rails against inanimate objects like buildings, statues, carvings and paintings because he see’s a commie in everyone
of these objects. Keith Olbermann of MSNBC made Glenn
Beck his number one story yesterday, where he
mocked his insanity that is now focused on inanimate objects.
know how when your driving on the freeway and there is an accident on the side of the road and you see a body and you slow
down to look, but you know that that is something you really don't want to look at but you do anyhow...That's Glenn Beck...Then
you speed up and drive away saying to yourself I wish I hadn't seen that...That's when I change the channel...