Dick Cheney no longer a chickenhawk, now just a chicken
By: David Phillips
Las Vegas Democrat Examiner
Yesterday hours before President Obama spoke to
the nation from West Point about his plans to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, former Vice President Dick Cheney had
a few words of his own to say about President Obama.
During the interview from his home in Mclean, VA the former VP continued to try and lay blame
on the problems in Afghanistan onto the Obama administration.
For several months now Cheney has spoken out about President Obama and his policies that American will
no longer torture, his closing of Guantanamo Bay and the time it took for President Obama to set his plan of action into play
with regards to Afghanistan.
In the interview Cheney was asked if the Bush administration bears any responsibility for the disintegration
of Afghanistan because of the attention and resources that were diverted to Iraq and Cheney said, “I basically don’t”
The same Bush administration that started the war which is now in its ninth year. The same Bush administration
that had Osama Bin Laden cornered and “within our grasp” and then did an about face into Iraq and allowed the man responsible for
the attacks on September 11, 2001 to get away.
For eight years the Bush administration conducted the war policy in Afghanistan and allow the Taliban
and al-Qaeda to regroup and increase their numbers to the point where they are stronger than before the Bush/Cheney invasion.
And now this coward says that the Bush administration no longer bears and responsibility for the mess
they created.
Dick Cheney approved of torture, he approved of the indefinite internment of detainees, he approved of the suspension of Habeas Corpus, he approved of outing a covert CIA agent out of spite for her husbands findings in Niger and he also ran his own personal assassination unit through the CIA.
Cheney is concerned with covering his tracks with his deflection speech’s and interviews against
President Obama in order to protect his anterior superior spine. He is counting on President Obama and Attorney’s General
Eric Holder not going after him for his crimes against the United States and humanity.
Dick Cheney has no problems with using American troops as cannon fodder or throwing his own chief of staff Scooter Libby under
the bus in order to save his own miserable backside.
Cheney who received five deferments to avoid serving in the armed forces of the United States during
the Vietnam war is truly un-American and a chicken who should have been tried for treason long ago.

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