Enquiring Minds over at Fox wanted to know what Obama’s flatulence smelled like, and if it was anything close to
arugula or a coffee latte...Hannity says he needs a follow up to when Obama put mustard on his hamburger which he claimed
was disrespectful to the beef industry, and he wants to know if Obama's farts smell un-American...
Fox White house correspondent Major Garret asked Press secretary Robert Gibbs what the Presidents flatulence smelled like
and Gibbs said “they smell like a desert breeze“...
Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report posted the headline “Obama Farted while ignoring the Economy“...
Orly Taitz said she wanted to know if the flatulence smell like Kenyan food...
Meanwhile Over on the Bill O'Reilly Show The Factor with Bill O'Reilly, his guests Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin were
arguing, with Malkin saying that is farts probably smell like Muslim farts and Coulter countered with for liberals his flatulence
smell like the Messiah...O'Reilly jumped in and said that his flatulence prove that he has an agenda to remove Christmas from
our schools...
Greta Van Susteren said, all I can tell you is that Sarah Palin’s flatulence smelled like the great State of Alaska
and that there is no way Obama’s flatulence can smell as nice…
But it was the early morning show Fox and Friends whose Steve Ducey said that they most likely smell like the flatulence
of a socialist, echoing the same earlier claim by Glenn Beck who also pointed out that Obama’s farts are more proof
that he wants to destroy the constitution and take guns away from all Americans…
Sean Hannity told his audience today to make sure they watch his special expose’ on Hannity’s America this
weekend where he shows undercover Fox reporters capturing the Presidents gas in a bottle without the knowledge of the Secret
Service and then examine the gas at an independent laboratory sequestered deep in the sub levels of the Fox building at Rockefeller
Hannity went on to say, that if the White house wants to throw accusations that Fox is not a reliable News source he will
prove them wrong this weekend on his special Expose’ titled “If Obama Farted and no one knew, would it still smell”…