
Poll: Rush Limbaugh the most “influential conservative”
in America
By: David Phillips
Las Vegas Democrat Examiner
In a poll conducted by the CBS show “60 Minutes”
and Vanity Fair magazine that was conducted November 6-8, respondents said that the conservative talking head Rush Limbaugh,
was the most influential conservative voice in America.
The question asked:
Who among the following do you think is currently the MOST INFLUENTIAL CONSERVATIVE voice in America?
26 percent choose the man with the golden microphone, Rush Limbaugh by more than a 2 to 1 margin to
Glenn Beck who received 11 percent of those polled..
Others in the poll question included Sarah Palin who received 10 percent of those polled, Dick Cheney
10 percent, Sean Hannity 8 percent, and John Boehner who received 4 percent.
For months Democrats and Liberals and even the Whitehouse have claimed that Rush Limbaugh is the most
influential person in the Republican Party and the unofficial official leader of the GOP, while republican politicians have
denied it.
This year alone we have seen several republicans politicians kowtow to Rush Limbaugh and beg for his
forgiveness after he trashed them on his radio show.
RNC Chairman Michael Steele earlier this year was quick to run to Limbaugh and ask for his forgiveness
after Steele said Limbaugh was "Incendiary" and nothing but an "Entertainer".
Limbaugh went on a tirade against Steele on his radio show, here is an excerpt:
“I’m not in charge of the Republican Party, and I don’t want to be. I would be embarrassed
to say that I’m in charge of the Republican Party in a sad-sack state that it’s in. If I were chairman of the
Republican Party, given the state that it’s in, I would quit. I might get out the hari-kari knife because I would have
presided over a failure that is embarrassing to the Republicans and conservatives who have supported it and invested in it
all these years”
Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) criticized Limbaugh, but then called into the Limbaugh show to apologize after receiving a slew of complaints from Limbaugh dittoheads. "I regret
and apologize for the fact that my comments have offended and upset my fellow conservatives,” Gingrey told Limbaugh.
Several others have had to crawl on their hands and knees to kiss the feet of Limbaugh and even more
are a afraid to speak out against him because of his microphone. Limbaugh and his mouth are formidable, but the first republican
that grows a pair and stands up to him will garner a lot of respect from moderates and independents across the country.
Till then, Rush Limbaugh whether you like it or not is the unofficial official of the GOP.

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