if he and the Senate Republicans will accept President Obama’s invitation
to get together and he said, ; "We’re always happy to hear from the president but I don’t really feel any compelling
need to do it [on camera]."
Who could blame him, those pesky camera’s make everyone look ten pounds heavier.
When Politico asked him why, Cornyn said; "For what purpose? Was it for photo op or is it serious?
The president can invite Mitch McConnell, John Boehner or anybody he wants for a serious talk about issues."
The dialogue between President Obama and the House GOP last month was a win for the American people
who watched it, both sides were able to state their case (the GOP questions were preceded by political talking points) and
highlight their major disagreements as well as spotlight (narrow beam) areas that both sides agree on, and it was some of
the best political theater in decades.
Senator Cornyn asked “Was it for photo op or is it serious?” regarding the invitation by
the President. Anyone and everyone who watched the House meeting with the President will tell you it was the latter. Although
there were photo opportunities for the republicans to have their picture taken with the President.
Senator Cornyn has his tale tucked between his legs like a scared little dog. He is afraid to meet
with the President of the United States with camera‘s broadcasting the Q & A live, obviously its to transparent
for him..
While Cornyn says no to the Presidents invitation, the