's "Wisconsin's Morning News." that she and her family were seated about
20 rows behind Abdulmutallab in a center aisle, and that she saw a man who videotaped the entire flight.
Patricia Keepman went on to say "He sat up and videotaped the entire thing, very calmly. We do know
that the FBI is looking for him intensely. Since then, we've heard nothing about it."
There has only been one picture released to the media taken on flight 253 it’s an exclusive on
CNN showing uniformed officers removing the Christmas Day bomber from the plane (the picture is seen in the video link above).
Because the man has yet to be tried, and because information on this attempted bombing is still sensitive
in nature, the American public won’t be seeing that video anytime soon, if at all, and it seems that the Federal government
doesn‘t want to mention it. But what is also even more interesting, is that CNN and other main stream media outlets
have yet to follow up with any questions about the man standing with a camcorder filming the bomber on flight 253