‘If you don’t qualify for the job, Your Hired'
David Phillips
25, 2005
It took a natural disaster in Katrina to open up
the eyes of a lot of Red State voters that the man President Bush appointed to Federal Emergency Management Agency
also known, as FEMA should never have been hired
Michael Brown, the man responsible for coordinating
relief efforts at FEMA, who has since resigned his position, is a lawyer, whose previous job was working for an International
Arabian Horse association as a mediator if rules were broken.
President Bush has literally hired hundreds of unqualified
personnel in high profile positions that affect everyone in the United States and beyond.
One week ago, the Office of Women's Health
of the Food and Drug Administration, also known as the FDA, appointed Norris Alderson as its new acting director.
Norris Alderson, a Veterinarian will now
be in charge of The Office of Women’s Health with the FDA.
I wonder if he’s ever worked on Arabian horse’s?
Also, this past week, President Bush nominated Julie
Myers, niece of Air Force Gen.
Richard B. Myers," to head
the troubled U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE), part of the Department of Homeland
She was chief of staff to Chertoff in the Justice Department, associate under Kenneth W. Star, special assistant to
Bush on personnel issues, recently married to Chertoff's current chief of staff John
F. Wood. ICE has more than
20,000 employees and a budget of approximately $4 billion.
I’m feeling safer already.
Some of the more resent appointments by Bush and his cronies, include John Bolton, as United States Ambassador
to the United Nations, Bolton has zero respect for the United Nations, saying at one point that its no longer relevant
and should be disbanded.
Another name you might recall is Paul Wolfowitz, former
Deputy Secretary of Defense at the Department of Defense, behind Donald Rumsfeld, was appointed President of
the World Bank.
Leading up to the start of the War in Iraq, Paul Wolfowitz, told a Congressional hearing that the War would not cost
us more that 1.5 million and that the OIL would pay for the rebuilding of Iraq.
Oh ya, Paul Wolfowitz also said that he could never imagine an Insurgency taking place in Iraq.
President Bush has placed hundreds of unqualified people in high profile positions that have little or no experience
in those fields.
Those of you who voted for George W. Bush in the last election I want to speak directly to you, that while you place
your Trust in the Government that you elect, if you don’t pay attention to what their doing and speak out when something
is wrong, then you deserve the Government that you get.
Wrongs can never be righted, unless someone speaks out.
Copyright2005 www.Yodasworld.org
How to Spot a Mainstream Liberal Media Type Person
By; David Phillips
July 25, 2005
We have a Conservative Republican President, a Conservative Republican Congress
a Conservative Republican Senate, a Supreme Court dominated by seven Conservative Republican, they even have there own Conservative
Republican Media Channel Fox News, but I’ve been told that Liberals dominate the mainstream media in the United States.
Rush Limbaugh, Thomas Sowell, Ann Coulter, Rich Lowry, and Bill O'Reilly have all informed me of this fact
As well as William Safire, Robert Novak, William F. Buckley Jr, George Will,
John Gibson. Michelle Malkin, David Brooks, Tony Snow, Tony Blankely, Fred Barnes, Britt Hume, Larry Kudlow, and Sean Hannity.
Plus David Horowitz, William Kristol, Hugh Hewitt, Oliver North, Joe Scarborough,
Pat Buchanan, John McLaughlin, Cal Thomas, Joe Klein, James Kilpatrick, Tucker Carlson, Deroy Murdock, Michael Savage, Charles
Krauthammer, and Stephen Moore, have also told me that Liberals Dominate our Mainstream Media.
I must also mention that Alan Keyes, Gary Bauer, Mort Kondracke, Andrew Sullivan,
Nicholas von Hoffman, Neil Cavuto, Mike Rosen, Dave Kopel, John Caldera, and Matt Drudge, have also informed of this reality.
I feel so lucky to have all of these clear thinking, levelheaded, bipartisan
media types looking out for my best interest.
They have made my life a whole lot easier when it comes time for me to spot
a Liberal Media person, who ever disagrees with any of the Whitehouse policies, is a Liberal Media person, it’s that
They all tell me that it’s OK to disagree with the President, just keep
it to yourself, and never ever tell anyone.
Well I gotta go now I just spotted a Liberal Media person, and I need to call
my pal Rush and tell him about it, so he can warn everyone.
CopyRight: 2005 www.yodasworld.org
But you like his Moral Family Values.
David Phillips
21, 2005
You don’t care that President Bush has spent
300 BILLION of our American Tax Dollars on a WAR that was based on LIES, those TAX Dollars could have gone to better use,
such as Healthcare, Education, etc., but you like his Moral Family Values.
You don’t care if Rush Limbaugh is an admitted
DRUG ADDICT who still uses DRUGS EVERYDAY, and who’s been Divorced 3 times, you like his Moral Family Values.
You don’t care that President Bush, reversed
just about every Environmental legislation over the past 30 years He did away with Auto manufacturers having to increase Gas
Mileage on new cars each year, he’s reversed legislation on Clean Water, on Clean Skies, by allowing more POLLUTION
from Petroleum, and Chemical Manufacturing Companies, but you like his Moral Family Values.
You don’t care that Bill O’Reilly and
Fox News PAID MILLIONS in hush money because of O’Reilly receiving ANAL SEX from his shows producer, but you like his
Moral Family Values.
You don’t care that President Bush is spending
Millions of our TAX Dollars on research for smaller Nuclear Weapons that might endanger human life, but you are against Stem
Cell research because it might endanger unborn human life, but you like his Moral Family Values.
You don’t care that Sean Hannity while always
in a rush to send American Troops into WAR, is an Admitted COWARD who said that he’s afraid to go to Iraq on a USO tour
(i.e. Limbaugh went to Afghanistan) because he might get injured, but you like his Moral Family Values.
You don’t care that President Bush has been
paying for his Tax Cuts for the Rich, by taking the Surplus Dollars from Social Security; Bush’s last Tax Cut was for
108 Billion of our Tax Dollars to Corporations. Social Security had a Surplus of 130 Billion; Bush took every dime of the
surplus to pay for his latest tax cut. Bush has used the Social Security Surplus to pay for each of his previous tax cuts,
but you like his Moral Family Values.
You just don’t care.
CopyRight2005 www.yodasworld.org

2.6 Trillion vs. The Runaway Bride.
By: David Phillips
May 8, 2005
Congress past a budget last week for 2.6 trillion, but
the voters in the Red States were more concerned with the Runaway bride.
For all of you living under a rock, the ‘Runaway
Bride’ story is about a woman who got cold feet a couple of days before her wedding.
It appears that this is the first time it’s ever
happened. The Republican talking heads on radio and TV, want this woman put in jail, (Red State voters know who I’m
talking about) because she lied to the police, and said she was kidnapped, but she eventually told the Police that she lied,
and it was just a case of cold feet.
For seven days that’s all the talking heads mentioned
on their shows, except for the occasional Michael Jackson update.
During those same seven days, Congress passed a 2.6 Trillion
budget, that President Bush submitted a couple of months ago.
Normally, a few Republicans and Democrats get together
(sometimes called a Committee) and go over the budget that the President submitted, make a few changes that will benefit there
party, then send the bill to each Congressmen where they have three days to review the Bill before there’s a vote.
Well that’s not exactly what happened.
The Republicans decided to change the rules, again. The
Committee that submitted the Bill, barred Democrats from they’re conference, and wrote the budget themselves.
Then instead of submitting the Bill to all Congressmen
to study, (a minimum of 3 days) they had a vote that afternoon. The Budget passed
with a vote of 214-211 with 10 Congressmen not voting in the House.
House Majority Leader Tom Delay R- Texas, then stated that
the deficit ($429 Billion) would be cut in half over the next four years.
What a bunch of Texas Bull Shit.
When you take a closer look at the Budget, in fine print,
you see the Budget increases to $683 Billion next year, then $639 Billion the second year, $606 Billion the third year, and
finally $605 Billion during the Forth year.
I ask you, where is the Deficit cut in half?
Now I don’t have enough room on my web site to go
over every item in the Budget, but I would like to bring up one item that deals with Social Security since President Bush
has made such a big deal over it.
The new Budget transfers the roughly $150 Billion “surplus”
in Social Security taxes over this year’s Social Security payments, to help pay the bills for this years government
spending, and to finance Bush’s $106 Billion in tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy.
The last four years President Bush has taken the surplus
in Social Security to pay for his tax cuts for the rich.
Now I ask all of the Red State voters, do you really think
that the ‘Runaway Bride’ should go to Jail?
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