, O’Keefe reasoned that what he and the others did was OK because,
“it’s the people’s office”.
Hannity asked O’Keefe if he and the others dressed up as telephone repairmen and misrepresented
themselves in her office, and O’Keefe said. “Yea, we did, yes”.
So because she is an elected official who has an office in a Federal building its OK to misrepresent
yourself and attempt to mess with the phone system for her office and the entire building when seeking the truth because “it’s
the people’s office”.
Hannity also asked him if he or the others had any electronic equipment or recording devices and if
they were trying to bug the phones, and O’Keefe said, “no”.
Then Hannity asked in an indirect way; “You did record the entire incident?” And O’Keefe
replied, “yes”. But he said he had no electronic equipment or recording devices.
Throughout the interview when Hannity’s questions required exact answers from O’Keefe,
his reply was “Its an ongoing investigation so I cannot comment”.
When Hannity asked him about the report that he and his crew tried to gain access to the buildings
main phone line box, O’Keefe used the “I cannot comment” card.
James O’Keefe and his merry band of cavilers are facing some serious jail time, and for O’Keefe
to give interviews and to make comments on Twitter about his case, which can and most likely will be used against him, well,
lets just say that its not a wise thing to be doing. And the other three men that were arrested are probably wishing that
he would just shut up and let the lawyers handle it..
You can watch the two part interview with O’Keefe here.