Sen. Zell Miller lies as he Attacks Sen. John Kerry
Republicans distancing themselves from Sen. Zell Miller after his Mad Dog speech at the Republican National Convention
By: David Phillips Septembeer 5, 2004
Sen. Zell Miller said, "Americans need to know the facts" about Kerry's record, but his commentary is a decade
or so out of date. Kerry did oppose some of the weapons Miller cited when he was a candidate for the Senate in 1984,
(candidates don't vote). Kerry did vote against the B-2 bomber, Trident nuclear subs and "star wars" anti-missile system more
than a decade ago.
But in his nearly 20 years in office Kerry's record has evolved. Kerry hasn't opposed an annual Pentagon appropriation
since 1996. And he's voted for them far more often than against them.
Miller didn't say that Kerry voted against the weapons on the list he rattled off, only that he opposed them.
And indeed Kerry did, in 1984, as a candidate (again candidates don't vote) for the Democratic nomination for Senator in Massachusetts.
All the weapons cited by Miller are listed in a memo from a 1984 Kerry campaign article on Republican distortions
of Kerry's defense record.
Once elected, Kerry's voting record did evolve. Kerry did cast votes more than a decade ago against the B-2 Stealth
Bomber in 1989, 1991 and 1992. But by 1992 even President Bush (the current incumbent's father) was calling for cancellation
of the B-2 and promising to cut military spending by 30% in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was no secret
-- Bush did that in his 1992 State of the Union address. But Miller left out that little detail.
Miller did avoid some earlier Republican excesses, as when Miller's fellow Georgia senator, Republican Saxby
Chambliss, told reporters on Feb. 21 in a Bush campaign conference call with reporters that Kerry had a "a 32-year history
of voting to cut defense programs and cut defense systems." Since Kerry has only been in the Senate for just under 20 years,
the Chambliss statement was an impossibility.
Republicans have also accused Kerry of voting against more mainstream weapons including the M-1 Abrams tank and
the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, but have been unable to cite any specific votes against those weapons. The best they can do
is point to occasional votes Kerry cast against the entire Pentagon budget, not against any specific weapon.
Kerry voted against the entire Pentagon appropriations bills in 1990 and 1995. Kerry also voted against the Pentagon
authorization bills (which provide authority to spend but not the actual money) in those years and also in 1996.
However, he hasn't opposed an annual Pentagon appropriation since then, nor did he do so in 16 of his 19
years in office. So by the Republicans' own measuring stick, Kerry voted for the weapons they list far more often than he
voted against them.
Kerry himself conceded that some of the positions he took 20 years ago were "ill-advised, and I think some of
them are stupid in the context of the world we find ourselves in right now and the things that I've learned since then." That
was in an interview published in June, 2003 in the Boston Globe. "I mean, you learn as you go in life," Kerry was quoted as
He added that his subsequent Senate voting record on defense has been "pretty responsible."
This isn't the only misleading claim made at the Republican convention. Miller falsely claimed "Kerry has made
it clear that he would use military force only if approved by the United Nations," when in fact Kerry has said no such thing.
And New York Gov. George Pataki made a similarly misleading statement Sept. 2 when he implied that Kerry would
"just wait for the next attack" before using military force to defend the US.
What Kerry in actuality said -- in his own acceptance speech -- is this: "I will never hesitate to use force
when it is required. Any attack will be met with a swift and certain response. I will never give any nation or international
institution a veto over our national security." That's the opposite of what Miller said Kerry "made clear."
Sources 1) www.factcheck.org2) Zell Millers, remarks at the Republican National Convention, Federal Document Clearing House, FDCH Political
Transcripts, 1 Sep 2004. 3)

David Phillips
22, 2004,
Washington D.C.- The Whitehouse earlier today
announced that a portion of President Bush’s acceptance speech for the Republican National Convention would include
excerpts from “My Pet Goat”.
For almost three years President Bush has said
that he’s eager to finish reading the book he started on September 11, 2001, but hasn’t had the time until now.
Whitehouse Chief of Propaganda, Karl Rove said
“the President will not only be able to finish reading the book to the children that were in that class room on that
eventful day, but by reading it to all the children on National Television, it will help the President with support for his
‘No Child Left Behind Act”.
Karl Rove continued to say; “the Pentagon
is currently working on having the book translated into Arabic, and then distributing the book throughout the Muslim world,
starting with Iraq, and Afghanistan, most likely with air drops from C-130 airplanes”.
A few unnamed senior Whitehouse Officials have
stated that President Bush’s Terror Agenda, both Overseas and here in America will see what a real a Compassionate Conservative
from Texas is all about.
By David Phillips
August 4, 2004
Marriage: Bush wants to amend the Constitution of the United States to say that a ‘Marriage Shall consist of only a man
and a women’. Bush’s Right Wing Fundamentalist Christian party wants to override individual States Rights that
allow them to decide for them selves.
Stem Cell Research: Bush wants to curb all Stem Cell Research. During Bush’s 2000 Presidential campaign, Bush said,
“he wants to
explore the promise and potential of stem cell research." That was what Bush said during an August 9, 2000, speech, announcing
his decision to permit the federal funding of stem cell research. Religious right wing fundamentalist leaders and the Catholic Church were opposed to all
stem cell research because it uses cells extracted from five-day old blastocysts (or embryos) in a process that destroys the
Abortion: Bush’s Right Wing Fundamentalist Party wants to abolish all abortions, including those that are a result of
Rape and Incest. Bush says a women’s choice to make decisions over her own body ends at conception.
Assault Weapons: Former President Bill Clinton banned all Assault Weapons from the market when he was President. Bush has said that
the ban, which expires this September 14, 2004, will not be renewed. Bush said that he believes that all Families have the
Right to own Assault Weapons.
No Child Left Behind Act: Bush just loves to peddle this School program that he came up with while Governor of Texas. This program
is suppose to make sure every child graduates from school by teaching them to pass a standardized test. In fact each child
has five chances to pass.
First the Money, Bush’s ‘No Child
Left Behind Act’ rewards a school District if it maintains a low percentage rate for dropouts.
Second if a School District decides to Receive
Federal funds under the Act, they must show results, or pay the money back.
Third the School Districts are tempted to fudge
the test scores in order to receive the Federal Funding that is promised for good results, particularly if things aren’t
going their way.
Fourth, the Teachers are forced to instruct students
on how to pass a specific standardized test. I mention this because what parents and students feel is important for them to
learn in the suburbs, is not necessarily the same in the urban settings of inner city schools.
Fifth, Bush has not appropriated the
money to fund the ‘No Child Left Behind Act’.
Medicare: Bush recently passed a new Medicare Bill that is supposed to offer prescription drugs to the senor citizens in the
United States.
The Medicare Bill makes it illegal to buy medicine
from Canada where the drugs are a third of the price. The Medicare Bill also makes it illegal for Medicare to negotiate drug
prices with the manufacturers who get to set the prices.
Jobs: While Bush has been in office, six million manufacturing jobs have been forever lost to other Nations.
Nearly two million jobs have been lost in the private sector job market.
Bush has stated several times that Outsourcing
of jobs to other Nations is good for America
Bush has created the biggest Deficit (455 Billion
Dollars) in the history of the United States.
Bush has given the biggest Tax cuts in the history
of the United States to the top one percent of the wealthiest in the Nation.
These are just some of the Family Values
that Bush is so Proud of. Bush is forcing his Right Wing Christian Fundamentalist Values on the American Public whether you
like it or not.
Copy Right 2004:
Bush files court
papers in Crawford, TX for name change.
By David Phillips
July 26, 2004
Crawford, TX: President Bush has petitioned
the Courts in Texas to change his middle name from Walker to War.
President Bush said that by changing his
middle name to War, the American public will be able to identify with him and accept as true, when he says the he’s
a “War President”.
The President also said that he would like
all future references to him in the media to refer to him a “President G. War Bush”. The President went on to
say, “that only now can the Peoples of the World truly understand what my Administration is all about”.
President G. War Bush said “that despite
the fact that I sent our Troops to Afghanistan an Iraq, the Peoples of this Planet, still don’t believe me when I say
I’m a War President”.
So I’m saying to the Peoples of this
Planet, I am a War President and if you don’t believe me just check out my new cool middle name.
Karl Rove, President G. War Bush’s
Sr. Political Advisor, said he was napping at his desk one recent afternoon and I had this dream in which War protesters were
stopping the President with sighs saying “YOUR NO WAR PRESIDENT”.
So I immediately rushed to the Presidents
office to tell him about my dream, but he wasn’t there.
Then I jumped on the first Lear Jet I could
find, and flew to Crawford, TX, where I found the President, I should have realized right off that he wasn’t in his
office, because he’s here at his ranch so much.
So I find the President and I tell him about
my dream, and he said to me “are you sure we should try this”?
I said to him Mr. President remember the
dream I had about you landing on the Deck of an Aircraft Carrier with the big sign that read “Mission Accomplished”,
and he said ya, and Mr. President do you remember the Dream I had about you flying to Baghdad to be with the troops last Thanksgiving,
and the great photo op with you standing their with a fake Turkey, and he said ya, so I said “Trust Me, you can thank
me later.
Karl Rove went on to say that the President
gets his best ideas from my Dreams, and that I should be paid while I’m sleeping.
By: David Phillips
May 14, 2004
Over the last 10 days dozens of pictures have been seen on television and in the newspapers depicting the torture at
Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Were also told that there are hundreds of pictures and videos that show a great deal more than
whats been released, and that we may never see them because of how horrific they are.
The torture, at the hands of a few U.S. Army personnel, which has included rape, sodomy, attacks by dogs, homicides,
and other forms of torture, seem to delight Rush Limbaugh, while the rest of the world finds them disgusting.
Here are a few quotes from Rush Limbaughs radio show, which by the way he seems very proud of because I got these quotes
from Rushs web site
"This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation (a reference
to the secret club at Yale University that both George W. Bush and John Kerry were members)
I'm talking about people having a good time, these people, you ever heard of emotional
You [ever] heard of need to blow some steam off?"
"I'm sorry, folks. I'm sorry. Somebody has to provide a little levity here. This is not as serious
as everybody is making it out to be
Now these quotes would be fine if it was just some ignorant boob speaking to another ignorant boob, but this boob has
15 million followers who parrot his every word. Rush even calls his followers dittoheads.
In the last few days, Rushs quotes have been aired on several news broadcasts and in newspapers that feel that the
torture that has taken place at Abu Ghraib is disgusting and wrong and not what America is truly about.
Rush Limbaugh has been trying to backtrack, and say that these quotes were taken out of context.
The truth is Rush Limbaugh rushed to a judgment that showed his true nature, and instead of saying that he was wrong,
is trying to lie his way out.
By: David Phillips
February 21, 2004.
Washington D.C.: The Bush
administration is very worried about his ability to be re-elected because of the loss of 6 million manufacturing jobs (that
went overseas), that it has asked the Labor Department to re-classify another industry as manufacturers.
President Bush wants the
Fast Food industry (Burger King, McDonalds, Wendys etc.) re-classified as manufacturers, because when they make a hamburger,
they are manufacturing a consumer product.
The Whitehouse says that
when they put lettuce and tomato on the hamburger and then place it on a bun, the end result is a manufactured product.
This may sound like a joke,
but its not.
The Whitehouse feels that
the loss of manufacturing jobs, and the increase of people being unemployed under his presidency will be one of his biggest
hurdles to over come in this years presidential race.
The Labor Department has
not made any decision on the Whitehouses request as of this date.
I urge all Americans to
write their Senators and Congressmen, and let them know that this is not right, and that Americans are getting fed up with
Whitehouse policies that MISLEAD and MISDIRECT the TRUTH.
Bush submits 2.4 Trillion Dollar budget
By: David
3, 2004
Washington: President Bush submitted his spending
budget to Congress for the fiscal year 2005, which begins October 1, 2004.
The budget reduces almost all federal agencies funding
support in half, except anti-terrorism, and military programs. The submitted budget does not include annual funding for the
Wars in Iraq, and Afghanistan, Bush plans on asking Congress later this year for at least another $50 Billion for the Wars.
The Bush budget supports his campaign theme, and slashes
such things as Veterans Affairs programs, Environmental programs, and Agricultural programs.
Just last month in Bushs State of the Union speech,
he highlighted a $250 million expansion for the Labor Department for retraining, and vocational education programs. But the
submitted budget would trim the Education department by $300 million. ( SOTU speech great photo op, say what they want to
These are just a few of the programs that Bush wants
to slash or eliminate; the list goes on and on.
The Whitehouse Monday gave the impression that the
budget would shape spending to the utmost needs of the Nation.
Where are the real Republicans, why are they letting
him spend so much? How could they justify a $2.4 Trillion budget on top of the $500 Billion deficit?
If the Democrats are known as the Tax and Spend party,
should we start referring to the Republicans as the Tax Cut and Spend party?
If your going to give three tax cuts totaling more
than $1 Trillion to the wealthiest 5 percent of the nation, wouldnt it make sense to cut spending to?
How can they possibly spend and cut Taxes without
increasing the Deficit?
If your going to cut Taxes, you have to cut spending,
(at least the Democrats know how to maintain a budget), in fact President Clinton left office with a $220 billion surplus,
which Bush pissed through without blinking an eye.
To those of you who wish to keep Bush in office, you
should all be put in jail for Treason.
The Deficit that Bush has created will be placed on
the backs of our childrens children. It will take years to pay it off.
I urge all voters, Republicans, and Democrats alike,
to write to your Senators, and Congressional Representatives, and tell them that the spending has got to stop.
Stop the Madness, there must be a Regime change in
have enough evidence to support more than 10 felony counts.
Prosecutors Decline LimbaughS Offer
By David Phillips, January 23, 2004
attempt to head off charges, Limbaugh's attorney, Roy Black, wrote prosecutors on Dec. 11 to suggest a drug intervention program
without a guilty plea.
''I believe this proposal would
be in keeping with the public interest, Limbaughs attorney Roy Black wrote. ''The public is better served by treating addicts
as patients rather than criminals.''
Prosecutor James Martz wrote
back to Limbaughs attorney on Dec. 15 that an intervention program alone was not sufficient. He wrote that prosecutors had
enough evidence to support more than 10 felony counts.
Prosecutors wanted Limbaugh
to plead guilty to one felony charge of ''doctor shopping,'' a third-degree felony. Limbaugh would have received three years'
probation, undergone a drug treatment program and been subject to random drug testing, according to public records.
''This proposed resolution
is offered as an alternative to unsealing your client's medical records and in an effort to bring this case to a swift and
just resolution,'' Martz wrote.
Limbaugh admitted his addiction
to prescription painkillers in October, saying it stemmed from severe back pain. He took a five-week leave from his afternoon
radio show to enter a rehabilitation program.
Limbaugh's lawyers had denied news reports last month that their client
was considering a plea bargain.
Limbaugh has not been arrested
and no charges have been filed at this time, but Prosecutors said that with the refusal to accept the plea agreement, charges
would soon be filed on as many as ten-felony charges.
Rush Limbaugh for years has
stated on his radio show, that drug addicts should not be given special treatment with plea agreements, and that it was the
Liberal Left that has made are Justice system a joke with plea agreements.
I guess its OK for a right
wing bigot, drug addict, and liar to ask for a plea agreement if it suits his needs, just not anyone else, after all he is
Bush uses State of
the Union address to launch Presidential campaign
The lines are drawn
By: David Phillips
January 21, 2004
shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union
and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient." -- U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section III
President George W. Bush
gave the annual State of the Union address last night, which appeared more like a campaign speech than a State of the Union
The speech was unmistakably
intended to draw a line between Republicans and Democrats. Instead of trying to unite the two parties and the nation together
in a show of bipartisanship, his speech was unmistakably meant to launch his Presidential campaign.
The timing of the speech
was no accident; White House officials scheduled the speech
for Tuesday night, only 24 hours after the Iowa caucus, to draw attention from the Democratic victor, a Republican close to
the Bush campaign said.
War in Iraq
began his speech defending his reasons for going to war in Iraq. Bush said that the reason for us going to War was to stop
Saddam Hussein from torturing, raping, and killing people who do not have the same beliefs as him, not the Weapons of Mass
Destruction and Saddam Husseins link with Al-Qaeda and September 11, 2001 attacks that he said last year as the reason for
two points were clearly omitted from last nights speech, because theyve been proven to be lies.
said that the United States does not need a permission slip to defend its self. What hes really saying is that he will continue
his policy of unilateralism, and preemptive Wars, regardless of what are former allies (France, Germany, Russia, and the United
Nations) think.
said that the capture of Saddam Hussein has made the United States and the World safer, but just as many U.S. troops are being
killed in Iraq as before his capture.
Homeland Security
and the Patriot Act
said that the newly created Homeland Security Department, and the Patriot Act, has made us safer now than before the September
11th attacks.
a crock of BS, our borders are still flooded with illegal aliens sneaking in, are ports inspectors are still only inspecting
3% of the thousands of containers of shipments from overseas, are Nuclear Plants are still not properly protected, shipments
of Nuclear waste are being published in newspapers showing the routes they will take, the protection provided, and the dates
of the shipments. These are just a few of the gaping holes that our Homeland Security turns a blind eye too.
Patriot Act, which was enacted after 9/11 to makes it easer for law enforcement to track and locate terrorists, it is also
being used to tract the movements of all American Citizens, regardless of our civil liberties.
Security has yet to centralize its database of suspects linked to terrorism, so various Law enforcement agencies can look
up a name to see if its on the watch list.
The Economy
then started talking about the economy, saying that the tax cuts he gave to the top 5% of the Nations wealthiest, has turned
the economy around. While theres no denying that the stock market is on a rebound, it has yet
to create any measurable jobs.
are moving there manufacturing plants overseas, which have resulted in six million manufacturing jobs lost, because the labor
is considerably cheaper. Three million people are still unemployed, and the six million manufacturing jobs are gone for good.
said that he wants to create a retraining program for people seeking jobs, which sounds like a good idea, but the reality
is that a 50 year old man or women, who has found themselves unemployed from a job that pays 20-30 dollars an hour, will most
likely find themselves working at or near minimum wage, with or without retraining because corporations are moving higher
paying jobs overseas were the labor is cheaper, which increases there bottom line.
The No Child Left Behind Act The purpose of this act is to ensure that all children have
a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging
State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
Bush may be taking
credit for the new law. But in reality, his administration has failed to provide the resources promised to implement the law,
and has crippled its implementation with delayed, contradictory and ideologically driven regulations. As a result, millions
of families and schoolchildren across America are left with little hope that their teachers will get trained and their schools
will improve.
It's no small wonder, then, that school districts and teachers across the
country are crying foul, and presidential candidates are calling for the repeal of these reforms. They blame the president
for a failed education agenda. The Bush administration has indeed failed to ensure that no child is left behind.
Other State of the Union Topics
Bush said he has a plan
to cut the deficit (that he created) in half in five years. Make us less dependent on foreign Energy. The Marriage Act, regarding
same sex couples, the abstinence from sex, among teenagers.
Heroes for kids, saying
that pro athletes should refrain from using steroids and should be banned (which they already are) from pro sports.
Well as Bush starts his
Presidential campaign with his 200 million in campaign funds from corporations that hes given billions in tax cuts and tax
credits to, he should realize that there are a lot more people watching, and speaking their minds, because if hes re-elected
you can count on more U.S. troops being killed around the world, and more unemployment.
Security and DOE aid Terrorists in assembly of Dirty Bombs.
Breathe deep and Sigh
By David Phillips
January 7, 2004
Homeland Security and the Department
of Energy, were out in force New Years eve, looking for Dirty Bombs using scientists in civilian clothes carrying sophisticated
electronic devices, designed to detect radiation.
Four major cities, Los Angeles, Las
Vegas, Baltimore, and New York city, were all under high alert for fear that terrorists were going to place a dirty bomb in
one or more of these cities.
While no known incidents occurred, there
is still a major concern that a dirty bomb, still might be used sometime hear in the United States.
my opinion they have good reasons to still be terrified.
because in my local newspaper in Las Vegas, NV, the Review Journal, on Tuesday January 6, 2004, there was an article about
Plutonium Tainted waste being transported from the Nevada test site, to the depository in Carlsbad, NM.
The story gave the route that the Plutonium
waste was going to take. Not only that, they provided a map. Thats right a map.
But you say to yourself, its OK there
will be plenty of security, terrorists would never try to hijack something that well guarded.
So you take a deep breath, a sigh and
you feel a little better. Then you continue to read the story and read that the shipments wont have any Police escort, and
will only be monitored by a Satellite GPS system.
So you take another deep breath, and
another sigh, but this time youre not feeling any better.
While Im not saying that the Homeland
Security, or the Department of Energy should be aloud to infringe on our First Amendment rights, they should at least refrain
from dispelling sensitive information.
I just took another breath and a sigh,
no, still not feeling any better.