"I want to thank the Canadian people who came
out to wave-with all five fingers-for their hospitality."
President G. War Bush
Earlier today, the Libyan government released Fathi Jahmi. She's a local government official who was imprisoned in
2002 for advocating free speech and democracy." George W. Bush, citing Jahmi, who is a man, in a speech paying tribute to
women reformers during International Women's Week, Washington, D.C., March 12, 2004
"God loves you, and I love you. And you can count on both of us as a powerful message that people who wonder about
their future can hear." George W. Bush, Los Angeles, Calif., March 3, 2004
means that people's incomes, at the employer level, are going down, basically, relative to costs, people are getting laid
off." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Feb. 19, 2004
"The march
to war affected the people's confidence. It's hard to make investment. See, if you're a small business owner or a large business
owner and you're thinking about investing, you've got to be optimistic when you invest. Except when you're marching to war,
it's not a very optimistic thought, is it? In other words, it's the opposite of optimistic when you're thinking you're going
to war." George W. Bush, Springfield, Mo., Feb. 9, 2004
like Travis,
people who are willing to love their neighbor, just like they would like to love themselves." George W. Bush, Springfield,
Mo., Feb. 9, 2004
"In my judgment,
when the United States says there will be serious consequences, and if there isn't serious consequences, it creates adverse
consequences." George W. Bush, Meet the Press, Feb. 8, 2004
"There is
no such thing necessarily in a dictatorial regime of iron-clad absolutely solid evidence. The evidence I had was the
best possible evidence that he had a weapon." George W. Bush, Meet the Press, Feb. 8, 2004
"The recession
started upon my arrival. It could have been some say February, some say March, some speculate maybe earlier it started
but nevertheless, it happened as we showed up here. The attacks on our country affected our economy. Corporate scandals affected
the confidence of people and therefore affected the economy. My decision on Iraq, this kind of march to war, affected the
economy." George W. Bush, Meet the Press, Feb. 8, 2004
"My views
are one that speaks to freedom." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 29, 2004
"See, one
of the interesting things in the Oval Office I love to bring people into the Oval Office right around the corner from here
and say, this is where I office, but I want you to know the office is always bigger than the person." George W. Bush, Washington,
D.C., Jan. 29, 2004
"More Muslims
have died at the hands of killers than I say more Muslims a lot of Muslims have died I don't know the exact count at Istanbul.
Look at these different places around the world where there's been tremendous death and destruction because killers kill."
George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 29, 2004
"Then you
wake up at the high school level and find out that the illiteracy level of our children are appalling." George W. Bush, Washington,
D.C., Jan. 23, 2004
"Just remember
it's the birds that's supposed to suffer, not the hunter." George W. Bush, advising quail hunter and New Mexico Sen. Pete
Domenici, Roswell, N.M., Jan. 22, 2004
"I want to
thank the astronauts who are with us, the courageous spacial entrepreneurs who set such a wonderful example for the young
of our country." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C. Jan. 14, 2004
"I was a prisoner
too, but for bad reasons." George W. Bush, to Argentine President Nestor Kirchner, on being told that all but one of the Argentine
delegates to a summit meeting were imprisoned during the military dictatorship, Monterrey, Mexico, Jan. 13, 2004
"One of the
most meaningful things that's happened to me since I've been the governor the president governor president. Oops. Ex-governor.
I went to Bethesda Naval Hospital to give a fellow a Purple Heart, and at the same moment I watched himget a Purple Heart
for action in Iraq and at that same right after I gave him the Purple Heart, he was sworn in as a citizen of the United States
a Mexican citizen, now a United States citizen." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 9, 2004
"And if you're
interested in the quality of education and you're paying attention to what you hear at Laclede, why don't you volunteer? Why
don't you mentor a child how to read?" George W. Bush, St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 5, 2004
"So thank you for
reminding me about the importance of being a good mom and a great volunteer as well." George W. Bush, St. Louis, Mos.,
Jan. 5, 2004

"All up and down the different aspects of our society, we had meaningful
discussions. Not only in the Cabinet Room, but prior to this and after this day, our secretaries, respective secretaries,
will continue to interact to create the conditions necessary for prosperity to reign." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May
19, 2003
"First, let me make it very clear, poor people aren't necessarily killers.
Just because you happen to be not rich doesn't mean you're willing to kill." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 19, 2003
"We've had a great weekend here in the Land of the Enchanted." George
W. Bush, Albuquerque, N.M., May 12, 2003 (New Mexico's state nickname is "Land of Enchantment")
"I think war is a dangerous place." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C.,
May 7, 2003
"We ended the rule of one of history's worst tyrants, and in so doing,
we not only freed the American people, we made our own people more secure." George W. Bush, Crawford, Texas, May 3, 2003
"We've got hundreds of sites to exploit, looking for the chemical and
biological weapons that we know Saddam Hussein had prior to our entrance into Iraq." George W. Bush, Santa Clara, Calif.,
May 2, 2003
"I don't bring God into my life to to, you know, kind of be a political
person." George W. Bush, interview with Tom Brokaw aboard Air Force One, April 24, 2003
"You're free. And freedom is beautiful. And, you know, it'll take time
to restore chaos and order order out of chaos. But we will." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 13, 2003
"Perhaps one way will be, if we use military force, in the post-Saddam
Iraq the U.N. will definitely need to have a role. And that way it can begin to get its legs, legs of responsibility back."
George W. Bush, the Azores, Portugal, March 16, 2003
"Now, we talked to Joan Hanover. She and her husband, George, were visiting
with us. They are near retirement retiring in the process of retiring, meaning they're very smart, active, capable people
who are retirement age and are retiring." George W. Bush, Alexandria, Va., Feb. 12, 2003
"[The Space Shuttle] Columbia carried in its payroll classroom experiments
from some of our students in America." George W. Bush, Bethesda, Md., Feb. 3, 2003
"And, most importantly, Alma Powell, secretary of Colin Powell, is with
us." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 30, 2003
"The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of
Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein, and his willingness to terrorize himself." George W. Bush, Grand Rapids, Mich.,
Jan. 29, 2003
"When Iraq is liberated, you will be treated, tried and persecuted as
a war criminal." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 22, 2003
"One year ago today, the time for excuse-making has come to an end."
George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 8, 2003
"The goals for this country are peace in the world. And the goals for
this country are a compassionate American for every single citizen. That compassion is found in the hearts and souls of the
American citizens." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2002
"I think the American people I hope the American I don't think,
let me I hope the American people trust me." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 18, 2002
"There's only one person who hugs the mothers and the widows, the wives
and the kids upon the death of their loved one. Others hug but having committed the troops, I've got an additional responsibility
to hug and that's me and I know what it's like." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 11, 2002.
"In other words, I don't think people ought to be compelled to make
the decision which they think is best for their family." George W. Bush, on smallpox vaccinations, Washington, D.C., Dec.
11, 2002
"The law I sign today directs new funds and new focus to the task of
collecting vital intelligence on terrorist threats and on weapons of mass production." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Nov.
27, 2002
"I know something about being a government. And you've got a good one."
George W. Bush, campaigning for Gov. Mike Huckabee, Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 4, 2002
"These people don't have tanks. They don't have ships. They hide in
caves. They send suiciders out." George W. Bush, speaking about terrorists, Portsmouth, N.H., Nov. 1, 2002
"I need to be able to move the right people to the right place at the
right time to protect you, and I'm not going to accept a lousy bill out of the United Nations Senate." George W. Bush, South
Bend, Ind., Oct. 31, 2002
"John Thune has got a common-sense vision for good forest policy. I look forward to working
with him in the United Nations Senate to preserve these national heritages." George W. Bush, Aberdeen, S.D., Oct. 31, 2002
time we've got any kind of inkling that somebody is thinking about doing something to an American and something to our homeland,
you've just got to know we're moving on it, to protect the United Nations Constitution, and at the same time, we're protecting
you." George W. Bush, Aberdeen, S.D., Oct. 31, 2002
"I was proud the other day when both Republicans and Democrats stood
with me in the Rose Garden to announce their support for a clear statement of purpose: you disarm, or we will." George W.
Bush, speaking about Saddam Hussein, Manchester, N.H., Oct. 5, 2002
"Let me tell you my thoughts about tax relief. When your economy is
kind of ooching along, it's important to let people have more of their own money." George W. Bush, Boston, Oct. 4, 2002
"We need an energy bill that encourages consumption." George W. Bush,
Trenton, N.J., Sept. 23, 2002
"People say, how can I help on this war against terror? How can I fight
evil? You can do so by mentoring a child; by going into a shut-in's house and say I love you." George W. Bush, Washington,
D.C., Sept. 19, 2002
"You see, the Senate wants to take away some of the powers of the administrative
branch." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2002
"There's an old saying in Tennessee I know
it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee that says, fool me once, shame on shame on you. Fool me you can't get fooled again."
George W. Bush, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002 (Click for video)
"See, we love we love freedom. That's what they didn't understand. They
hate things; we love things. They act out of hatred; we don't seek revenge, we seek justice out of love." George W. Bush,
Oklahoma City, Aug. 29, 2002
"There's no cave deep enough for America, or dark enough to hide." George
W. Bush, Oklahoma City, Aug. 29, 2002
"President Musharraf, he's still tight with us on the war against terror,
and that's what I appreciate. He's a he understands that we've got to keep Al Qaeda on the run, and that by keeping him
on the run, it's more likely we will bring him to justice." George W. Bush, Ruch, Ore., Aug. 22, 2002
"As you know, these are open forums,
you're able to come and listen to what I have to say." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Oct. 28, 2003
"The ambassador and the general were briefing me
on the the vast majority of Iraqis want to live in a peaceful, free world. And we will find these people and we will bring
them to justice." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Oct. 27, 2003
"Whether they be Christian, Jew, or Muslim, or Hindu,
people have heard the universal call to love a neighbor just like they'd like to be called themselves." George W. Bush, Washington,
D.C., October 8, 2003
"See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations
don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction." George W. Bush, Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 3,
"Washington is a town where there's all kinds of allegations. You've heard much of the allegations. And if people
have got solid information, please come forward with it. And that would be people inside the information who are the so-called
anonymous sources, or people outside the information outside the administration." George W. Bush, Chicago, Sept. 30, 2003
had a chance to visit with Teresa Nelson who's a parent, and a mom or a dad." George W. Bush, Jacksonville, Florida, Sept.
9, 2003
Luce reminded me, he said, without data, without facts, without information, the discussions about public education mean that
a person is just another opinion." George W. Bush, Jacksonville, Florida, Sept. 9, 2003
"I'm a follower of American
politics." George W. Bush, Crawford, Texas, Aug. 8, 2003
"We had a good Cabinet meeting, talked about
a lot of issues. Secretary of State and Defense brought us up to date about our desires to spread freedom and peace around
the world." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Aug. 1, 2003
"Security is the essential roadblock to achieving
the road map to peace." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., July 25, 2003
"Our country puts $1 billion a year up to help feed
the hungry. And we're by far the most generous nation in the world when it comes to that, and I'm proud to report that. This
isn't a contest of who's the most generous. I'm just telling you as an aside. We're generous. We shouldn't be bragging about
it. But we are. We're very generous." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., July 16, 2003
"I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't
here." George W. Bush, speaking at the President's Economic Forum in Waco, Texas, Aug. 13, 2002
There may be some tough times here in America. But this country has gone through
tough times before, and we're going to do it again." George W. Bush, Waco, Texas, Aug. 13, 2002
"I firmly believe the death tax is good for people from all walks of life all
throughout our society." George W. Bush, Waco, Texas, Aug. 13, 2002
The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur." George W. Bush, discussing the decline
of the French economy with British Prime Minister Tony Blair
"Over 75 percent of white Americans own their home, and less than 50 percent of Hispanos and African Americans don't
own their home. And that's a gap, that's a homeownership gap. And we've got to do something about it." George W. Bush, Cleveland,
Ohio, July 1, 2002
"The public education system in America is one of the most important foundations
of our democracy. After all, it is where children from all over America learn to be responsible citizens, and learn to have
the skills necessary to take advantage of our fantastic opportunistic society." George W. Bush, May 1, 2002
"It would be a mistake for the
United States Senate to allow any kind of human cloning to come out of that chamber." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April
10, 2002
"Sometimes when I sleep at night
I think of (Dr. Seuss's) 'Hop on Pop.'" George W. Bush, in a speech about childhood education, Washington, D.C., April 2,
"We've tripled the amount of money
I believe it's from $50 million up to $195 million available." George W. Bush, Lima, Peru, March 23, 2002
"We've got pockets of persistent poverty in our society, which I refuse to declare defeat I mean, I refuse to allow
them to continue on. And so one of the things that we're trying to do is to encourage a faith-based initiative to spread
its wings all across America, to be able to capture this great compassionate spirit." George W. Bush, O'Fallon, Mo., Mar.
18, 2002
"I understand that the unrest in the Middle East creates unrest throughout the
region." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., March 13, 2002
"There's nothing more deep than
recognizing Israel's right to exist. That's the most deep thought of all. ... I can't think of anything more deep than that
right." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., March 13, 2002
"My trip to Asia begins here in Japan
for an important reason. It begins here because for a century and a half now, America and Japan have formed one of the great
and enduring alliances of modern times. From that alliance has come an era of peace in the Pacific." George W. Bush, who apparently
forgot about a little something called World War II, Tokyo, Feb. 18, 2002
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