Judicial Nominees: What the Republicans wont say: 168 out of 172 approved.
By: David Phillips
November 14, 2003
Washington DC The Republican held Senate has just finished their 40-hour Marathon debate regarding President Bushs
judicial nominations. The Republicans want whats called an up or down vote. Meaning all Senators either vote
yes or no on the nominees, where 51 votes would decide the outcome.
Well, seeing how the Republicans
control the Senate with a majority of 51 votes, you can see why the Republicans want an up or down vote.
President Bush submitted
a list of 172 names for Judicial Nominations; the Democrats have approved 168 out of the 172 nominations, thats an approval
rate of 98%.
The four nominations that
have not been approved are the ones that the Republicans want to have the up or down vote for. The Democrats
say that these four nominations are too ideologically extreme to get lifetime appointments, and will hold a filibuster
if they come up to vote.
President Bush got 168 of
his nominees appointed, or 98 %, President Carter had 93.7% of his nominees approved, President Reagan had 88.2% of his nominees
appointed, and President Clinton had 69.5% of his nominees appointed.
President Bush has gotten
more of his nominations approved, than any other president in 30 years.
168 out of 172, you will
never hear these numbers come out of the mouth of a Republican, they continue to mislead, and misdirect the American people
and will only talk about the four that have not been voted on to lead astray the public.
Mislead and Misdirect are the same
tactics the White House uses on the American people, so its understandable why the Republican held Senate uses the same tactics.
Its time the American people
open there eyes and see the truth. God Bless America.