Expect to see some short term help from the
White House for Californias economy leading up to next years election, so that Bush looks bettor to the voters there.
October 8, 2003
By David Phillips
California- Voters came out in droves yesterday
to show there disapproval of Gov. Gray Davis. With their frustrations on the economy, and higher taxes, the people of California
showed that they are ready to try something different.
And different is what they got. Arnold
Schwarzenegger, a weight lifter from Austria, a movie star, an admitted groper of women, a man with no political background,
and a Republican will be the new Governor.
Arnold announced his candidacy on the Jay
Leno show saying that he is beholding to no special interest groups, has plenty of his own money, and that if he wins, he
will go to Sacramento and sweep out all the politicians who do not agree with what he thinks needs to be done, to fix Californias
In the 2 months leading up to yesterdays election,
Arnold raised close to 20 million dollars from special interest groups
that hes now beholding too. He has surrounded himself with some of the most powerful Republicans in the state of California,
who have their own agendas.
Arnold also shelled out 6.5 million out of his own
pocket. A new law in California limits candidates on how much money they can contribute to there own campaign at $100,000.
When Arnold was questioned about all the money he personally shelled out, he said that its ok, my supporters will pay me back
after the election. Thats fine, but what about the law he broke. Maybe he found a loophole I dont know, but its clear that
neither the voters nor the reporters cared.
White House advisor Karl Rove was asked
if Arnolds win in California would help Bush win there in the 2004 Presidential election. Rove said that if Arnold can turn
the economy around, before the election, then the President would have a good chance of winning California.
President Bush called Arnold today to congratulate
him for his victory, which Arnold mentioned today in his first press conference as Governor Elect of California.
Arnold also said at the press conference
that he is going to ask President Bush for a lot of help with the economic problems in California.