What makes Arnold Schwarzenegger
any better than Gary Coleman?
September 28, 2003,
By David Phillips
Are California Republicans
intolerant towards short people, or as some people might say (I believe this is the correct PC terminology used today) Vertically
After all there both well
known Actors. Neither of them have any Political backgrounds. So whats up with that California? One is tall and the other
is short, are you all really that shallow?
Or maybe its Star Power,
ya thats it, Star Power. Arnold after all is the Terminator, Gary, well his Star Power isnt quite as strong. But everyone
still remembers that cute little kid from Different Strokes.
How come all the Republican
Candidates that have dropped out of the race are tossing their hat in for Arnold? I ask you, where are the backers for Gary?
Shame on you California for
belittling short people, I mean vertically challenged people, and just focusing on, tall men from Austria with Star Power.
I guess you all really believe that Arnold is going to Pump You Up.
But I have another choice
for you, what about Porn actress Mary Carey, shes certainly as famous as Arnold and Gary in some circles, and has just as
much of a Political background as them?
By the way, have any of you listen too some of Marys ideas about balancing Californias budget?
Mary wants to crack
down on the billion dollar Porn industry, and make sure that they pay their fare share of taxes. Not only that, she wants
to increase taxes on women who have Breast Implants. Well, maybe the breast implant idea is not so good, but at least shes
Anyhow, California if its star power
that you want your Governor to have that runs your State, just remember, there are three choices, not one, Arnold the Movie
Star, Gary the Television Star, and my personal favorite, Mary the Porn Star.
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