9-11 anniversary
to be moved back to coincide with Republican Convention
Washington: The third anniversary of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 will be moved up several months to coincide
with the 2004 Republican Convention, GOP officials announced today. The main event will take place in New York's Madison Square
Republican National Committee
officials originally planned to move the dates of the convention to match up with the traditional date of 9-11 anniversary
events, but later decided to go the opposite route.
"We're letting the public
know that the third anniversary of 9-11 will be a little bit sooner than usual, maybe a couple months," said a GOP spokesman.
"We haven't settled on a date, since it all depends on the Madison Square Garden people, but we're hoping for something in
the summer."
Even though the date will
change, Americans will be urged to observe the anniversary in the same manner as before -- such as viewing several hours of
cable-news memorials.
The GOP said it is also in
the planning stages of several special events as part of the convention which should help to further politicize the 9-11 attacks
to the advantage of the President. "We're looking at moving the President's acceptance speech to Ground Zero," said a Republican
official close to the White House.
"Also, we'll have a big replica
of the World Trade towers in the middle of the Garden. It'll slowly fade down through the floor as the delegates announce
their official nominations. Won't be a dry eye in the place."